Monday, June 29, 2015

You Don't Say?

Finally took a trip to the local library. For a gal who loves books, this seems like blasphemy, but with my Nook and Netflix and an extensive children's library in my own house, we just haven't had to go.

I perused the cross stitch section, all 5 books. When I took 3 up to the checkout, I informed the librarian that I had depleted the cross stitch section. Was this all there were?

Oh, yeah she says. Nobody cross stitches anymore.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Cross Stitching for Cross People: Somebunny Has Rabies

I alter old patterns. But after seeing this one, I wanted to copy it.

Easier said than done, this was an older kit.

But, finally found one on eBay.

And you can't tell me this bunny isn't up to something...

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


I have a small frame that I think I will continue to use for a monthly cross stitch theme.

Made a little Boo for October.

So, in honor of Dinovember; November's theme. (I still need to iron this though.)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Halloween Quickie

I found these on Pinterest.

I had a frame to fill and it took all of 10 minutes.