Saturday, May 28, 2011

Out With the Old

but not yet a new. Sewing machine.

Nope, never got the grasp of the machines I had acquired. No manuals to be found, no classes on the schedule anywhere. This is one time when vintage just won't do the trick for me.

So, for the moment, I continue to sew by hand. Occasionally perusing the offerings of my local department and craft stores, but so far nothing has struck my fancy.

Well, aside from this gorgeous thing. She was not in the store, but at the recycling center.

What is it with me and vintage machinery?

(To those of you not familiar with such a thing, our recycling center is just that. A recycling center, also a dump, a transfer station. But ours just so happens to have a wonderful thing in addition to all that; the free table.) Local residents can leave things not quite ready for the trash at the free table. Think rummage sale, but free. You never know what you will find there.

Alas, I did not bring home this beauty, but I almost did. Several times, in fact. But in the end, she became someone else's treasure.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I am addicted

to craft books.

My collection could very well rival that of a small book shop. Sadly, my collection does not reflect my level of expertise with the needle.

I am a new knitter, and a fledgling crocheter....but I have high hopes that I will eventually become an expert at both.

Sewing? I still sew by hand, as I am scared of my machine. Or I should clarify that I have a machine that I just cannot figure out. My sewing machine was a castoff that I adopted. Okay, both my machines. I have rescued two, we'll just say, vintage machines.

The first is a 1950's Dial n Sew, complete with attached table. The second, my guess is from the 1970's. There was no manual with either and I cannot find the right one online. The local machine shop will teach me to operate it...for the cost of a tune-up...($100+) So I am beginning to think I should just buy a brand new machine....I imagine it would be a lot less complicated.

Cross Stitch is the only needlecraft I can comfortably say I do well. I learned in the 80's....when my mother and her sisters all did it. I have inherited their old patterns. My current project is revamping some into newer patterns. I mean, come on, you can only have so many Home Sweet Home samplers.

I ended up joining Facebook....honestly, aside from the Mister, who isn't on Facebook? (My mother even has an account...)

My Facebook