Monday, June 29, 2015

You Don't Say?

Finally took a trip to the local library. For a gal who loves books, this seems like blasphemy, but with my Nook and Netflix and an extensive children's library in my own house, we just haven't had to go.

I perused the cross stitch section, all 5 books. When I took 3 up to the checkout, I informed the librarian that I had depleted the cross stitch section. Was this all there were?

Oh, yeah she says. Nobody cross stitches anymore.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Cross Stitching for Cross People: Somebunny Has Rabies

I alter old patterns. But after seeing this one, I wanted to copy it.

Easier said than done, this was an older kit.

But, finally found one on eBay.

And you can't tell me this bunny isn't up to something...